Saturday 23 October 2010


L- Masthead, main image, smaller images, comic Sans MS, Rockwell Extra Bold, Mainly Large Fonts
I - The Institution for this magazine is in this case myself,
I - Morals/values/messages/ - promoting college and education to young adults 
A -The audience is college students and pre college students,
R -My magazine represents college as been a good place and a really mature atmosphere, and it represents college as been the next step in education,

For my magazine cover, I decided to place the mast head in the bottom left of the cover, this was done for two different reasons, the first reasons was because the gap between the top of the image and the top of the person head was not big enough to fit in the logo and because I decided that it would suit it more if I put the price and the barcode along with the date all at the bottom of the page, I think that the end result was a lot better than it would have been if i had of put it all at the top of the screen.  

The Smaller features that I used for the magazine, were all used due to their relevance to whats going on now and things that are available to students. The first feature I put in was the Halloween party details, and I think that this is a good idea as the party is important to students and it has over 500 tickets sold and is what the majority of college students are doing, I also included information about  EMA, NUS and the New York trip next year. my cover also mentions the successful pass rate for the college and details about the success of the official opening of the Oak Building.

As Mentioned above in the LIIAR analysis, the audience for this magazine is students inside of wyke college, this is because it explains events that are going to happen inside the college, and gives details about trips and parties that have been planned by the college, but at the same time it can also be viewed by secondary school students who are planning to come to wyke college in the future, they can read the magazine to find out about the type of things that go on in the college.

The institution of this magazine is of course myself, and the ideas, morals and messages are promoting the college to its target audience and helping them with their study or helping them with their choice of where to study in the future.

The Magazine cover represents college as been the next step in education for young adults planning to stay on in full time education, and from the image and the information on the front makes it out to be the fun and mature place it actually is. The magazine cover shows the library inside the oak building and shows that it is a good working environment for people to work on their studies.

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