Wednesday 15 December 2010

Language - This double page spread is covered in image, the images are two close ups of two different members of the band, the lead singer is singing and the guitarist is stood on stage playing the guitar. The main image is a medium shot of the lead singer stood on stage in a recent gig. The last image on the page is a medium close up three shot. The whole spread looks busy, but I think that it is meant to look like this to represent the busy lifestyle this band are having at the time due to the fact they were recording an album and on a tour. The article only uses three colours, Black, White and Red, the black and white are mainly in the pictures and the red is in the title the banner at the top and the first letter of the actual body text. This adds more emphasis to the parts of the article that are drawing in the audience. part of the Headline is white and bigger than the rest of the title and this is the three words 'The Best MCR' this alone is part of what the article is about. It can have two meanings, they could be saying that this is the best that mcr have ever been or it could be saying they are everyones favourite mcr, which is slight sarcasm as they are the only MCR. 

Institution - The institution of this magazine is kerrang, which is published by Bauer Media Group, who also publish Q, they publish two different music magazines which are both aimed at different audiences, Kerrang is aimed at an alternative audience, where as Q is aimed at a C2 - B Social Class, who are fans of classic rock music and artists that have been around a while

Ideology - This magazine is promoting a rock and roll lifestyle, but also promoting itself trying to stay on top.

Audience - The audience for this magazine is C2 - E in social class and mainly aimed at alternative audiences and in this specific issue fans of My Chemical Romance, the audience for Kerrang are stereotypically likely to go to gigs and buy music, so Kerrang aims to meet the needs of this audience. Kerrang includes tour dates and album ratings and main features are things such as interviews with big bands like MCR or Paramore.

Representation - This magazine is representing My Chemical Romance who at the time were on tour, and were promoting their album "The Black Parade", the magazine representing MCR would be a good idea because lots and lots of teenagers follow them and this could put the sales of Kerrang Magazine up a lot.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Target Audience

The target audience for my magazine will be aimed at male and females of roughly aged 14 - 24 who are interested in the Genre of alternative music, I am targeting this audience because these are typically the type of people who go to rock concerts and gigs that play this type of music, typically their social class would be C1 - E

LIIAR interpretation of the brief

Language - Camera Angles, Colour Codes, Conventions, layout - "Splash", house style (look of the magazine)

Institution - NME, Kerrang, Q, Metal Hammer, MixMag, Rock Sound, Rolling Stones, Total Guitar, Ray Gun, The Source, Offbeat, MOJO, Magnet, Limelight, Limelight, DJ Magazine,IDJ, Clash, Decibel, Blitz, Alternative Press,
Name Of PublisherMagazine(s)
Baeur Media GroupQ, Kerrang
Development HellMIXMAG
FutureClassic Rock, Classic Prog, Computer Music, Future Music, Guitarist,
Guitar, Techniques,
Metal Hammer, Rhythm, Total Guitar,
Guitar World,  Legends, Revolver,

Ideology - Morals, Values, Message, Enemy of mainstream music,  Synergy Magazines and artists promote eachother, aspirational

Audience -  Age, Gender, Type, Social Class, sex, sexuality

C1Lower Middle
C2Higher Lower
DLower (working class)
EUnder Class

 Representation – What the magazine is representing and why it represents it